Armenian brandy ARARAT “Akhtamar”, named after the beautiful legend about the love ofPrincess Tamar for abrave young man who conquered the harsh waters ofLake Van every night for her sake, today itself gives rise tolegends. Wehave created anexceptional blend ofmore than fifteen distillates, providing this 10-year-old brandy with afull, soft, silky and pleasantly tart taste with along-lasting aftertaste.
Warm amber shades shimmer with light copper highlights.
Voluminous and sweet, itcombines strong notes ofprunes and cinnamon.
Beeswax, walnut and oak with hints ofprunes and vanilla.
The silky character ofanexceptional blend ofaged brandy distillates
Armenian brandy ARARAT “Akhtamar” can become anelegant accompaniment toyour special evening orevent, when during its tasting new shades that make upthe legend ofARARAT taste will berevealed toyou.
When alegend becomes aclassic
Tasting ofARARAT “Akhtamar” Armenian brandy from specially selected individual glasses will create anatmosphere ofeasiness and comfort, aswell asreveal completely new facets ofthis 10-year-old ARARAT brandy. You can conveniently place the glass inyour palm and warm the drink alittle with your warmth. This will help reveal its silky character. Bycontinuing the tasting after gently rotating the glass around its axis, you can feel all the exceptional shades ofARARAT “Akhtamar” brandy that make upthe legend ofARARAT taste
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