Inthe character ofARARAT “Ani” one can feel the refinement ofafemale name and the power ofthe great city ofAni, the history ofwhich goes back tothe depths ofcenturies ofthe homeland ofArmenian brandy. Wehave carefully selected brandy distillates tocreate a7-year-old ARARAT “Ani” blend for you.
Amber with rich warm mahogany shades.
Itharmoniously combines tones ofcitrus, dried figs and sweet almonds.
Fresh and spicy with bright notes oforange, vanilla and subtle hints ofalmond.
Spend time with pleasure
Tasting ofthe ARARAT “Ani” Armenian brandy with friends and family will create aunique moment ofARARAT, the warmth ofwhich will remain with you for along time.
High quality embodiment
This seven-year-old vintage brandy has anelegant bouquet with warm sunny hues and agradually unfolding rounded powerful taste that shades into asoft and long aftertaste. Its composition and strength will reveal new facets ofbrandy and emphasize the fullness ofthe moment. Agreat option ofgift alcohol for aconnoisseur.
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