Bristling with flavours ranging from Tropical fruit to what some might say are the more traditional red fruits of Rose Champagne. Power and structure demand your attention from start to finish and coming from a Magnum this is truly delicious. Offered here in its own branded gift box.
Product Description
Whatcan you say? Some may be cynical of some of the glamour and glitz thatsurrounds Dom Perignon. However just about every vintage is awaited with batedbreath by the wine industry and accolades for this Champagne are far toonumerous to mention. If you are a long standing fan of Dom Perignon and havetried the Blanc many times, then we highly recommend tasting some of the oldervintages. Elsewhere on the site you can find an example of this in the form ofDom Perignon P2 and P3.
Tasting Notes
Any magnum ofChampagne is a treat, but a magnum of Dom Perignon just takes it to anotherlevel.
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