Fancy a nice glass of white? Here we offer 3 lovely, refreshing white wines. Each wine offers variety to each other so your taste buds won’t get bored too. The case contains:2 x La Vieille Ferme White, 75 cl2 x Flying Kiwi Sauvignon Blanc, 75 cl2 x Torres Vina Sol Wine, 75 cl
Product Description
Don’t have the time to put your own case together, why not choose from our ready-mixed wine cases. With a variety of grapes on offer and all the cases discounted, all you need to do is pick the one that tickles your fancy the most!
Tasting Notes
La Vielle’s white wine is cracking value for money, surprising us when we recently tasted it. Flying Kiwi is New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc exactly how you would want it. And Torres’s Vina Sol remarkable consistency has endured many years.
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